Tuesday, April 14, 2009

walk in the park

It is a low peak season for weddings this month and last month.. After February, after CNY, that's how it is. Does it got sumthing to do with the global economic? maybe.. and it also does sumthing to do with the school holidays. A friend of mine told me it's the new year. Come new year, the couple normally evaluate their relationship, where are they heading to. they will be thinking of their age, and ask each other and even challange each other to get married. So that will kick start the whole process.. the meet the parents, do the budget planning, start to scout for bridal house, start listing the wedding commitee, emcee, band, bridemaid, flower girl, bestman(normally last cos guys potrays coolness when do things last minute)etc. during this time, the internet is like is like a big bro/sis and you started to bookmarked or your favorite box list is filled up!
yeah, been there done that.. the whole none yard!after all, normally our community does not use any wedding planner service..

So, since this month is a bit free, and i don't want to start slacking, i started a small project. I started to fill up my stock photo. Online stock photos are where you can publish your photos and someone around the world might buy it. Some site in the net is free sign up. Below are some photos i got last weekend while waiting for Asia's mama make porridge (AirAsia label it Congee, to sound more mysterious maybe..)btw, my next wedding assignment is next mth, 2 weddings in a row for three days. So stay tune for more object, flora & landscape view ..



I was trying my best to get a sharp macro look using my kit lens. And using manual focus to ensure the photos not soft looking. but i still have to shoot all wide open to ensure a short depth of field to isolate the focus from the surrounding.

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