It is December! The final month of 2009! It is just like i'm still having hard time to scratch 2009 on my parking coupon (yup i got a few 15 ringgit saman due to that!) yet in a month time come 2010. Wow! A decade had passed in the 21st century. apuuu.. A decade!
Christmas is coming soon though. And December is a busy month for weddings. I'm booked for three wedding this month and still some are on going nego. On top of that, some christmas family photos & outdoor shoot are being line up! So sit tight, and while we are doing our year end shooping spree, do drop by.. I'm excited!
Below is a sneak peek of a wedding that i just covered last week end. An amazing couple and what a beautiful wedding! Til then, have fun! Time to crash in. Good nite!